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A fearsome bionic cyborg with extensive experience on the field and manage large teams sizes and gained the title as the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Empire. I implemented strategic initiative within the Star Wars universe, working in partnership with Emporer Palpatine and other key stakeholders to bring the project in on time and with a budget. With the right use my powerful bass voice, body armour and signature respiratory breathing I have been able to influence people at all levels, whether leading Imperial subordinates, devastating estranged family members or crushing the Rebel Alliance.


  1. Jedi Academy
  2. Obi-Wan Kenobi School of Jedi Training

Work Experience


  1. Chief Commander IAF
  2. Project Manager Death Star
  3. Pilot Imperial Armed forces
  4. Designer X-Wing starfighter
  5. Jedi Knight
  6. Jedi
  1. Strategy
  2. Force Control
  3. Air to Air Combat skills
  4. Hand to Hand combat
  5. Dual Light Saber combat
  6. Superweapon construction
  7. Fundraising
  8. Breathing
  9. Terrorising